

•Time and tide wait for no man (proverb) -

If you don't make use of an opportunity, you may never get the same chance again. (歲月不等人,時不我待)


1.Hurry up or we'll miss the bus! Time and tide wait for no man. 

2.Tide and time wait for no man. If we don't make it happen, life is going to pass us by.

•Do without (sth) (phrasal verb) -

If you do without something you need or usually have, you are able to survive, continue, or succeed without it.(沒有……也行,將就)


There's no butter left, so you'll just have to do without. We can't do without the help of your organisation.  

•Push forward (with sth) -

To move forward with a plan in a determined way.(推動,推進)


1.The government is pushing forward with its electoral reforms. 

2.They were urged to push forward with their reforms.

•Speak one's mind (idiom) -

To say what one really thinks, to talk freely and fearlessly. (坦率直言,說出心裏話)


1.If you don't agree with him, don't be afraid to speak your mind.

2.Can I just speak my mind, even though you probably won't like what I have to say?

•Ride (on) the wave (of sth) (idiom) -

To enjoy the advantage or benefit of a successful, popular, fortunate, etc., moment or period of time.(乘……之勢;借……的東風)


1.You've got to ride the wave, rather than struggle against it. 

2.The Internet artist has ridden the wave of support from her fans to launch a funding campaign for a new project.
